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Self service AWS Instance


In this lab we will review how we can create a workflow that creates EC2 instances in AWS, without the need of giving users access to our AWS platform

The process of this RNA lab is the following:

  • Check which subnet the team asking to create the vm is assigned to

  • Create instance based on settings provided


In order to complete this lab, it is required to have access to AWS, including free AWS accounts

To access the AWS API, we will require to create an access key and secret key

This lab needs as a prerequirement the completion of the Automate Subnet Creation PoT lab finished and executed correctly.

Create Automation

If AWS authentication has already been created, please skip this block of actions and continue to step 4.

  1. Log into RNA

  2. Go to Authentications

  3. Click Create Authentication

    a. Name: AWS

    b. Service: AWS

    c. Access Key Id: [Copy Access Key from AWS]

    d. Secret Access Key: [Copy Secret Access Key from AWS]

IBM SevOne Automated Network Observability

  1. Go to Workflows

  2. Click Create Workflow

    a. Name: AWS Self Service Instance

    b. Layout type: Sequence

  1. Add variables to Start

    a. size

    i. Name: size

    ii. Type: Enum

    iii. Click in the 'Expand' icon:

IBM SevOne Automated Network Observability


IBM SevOne Automated Network Observability

    iv. Default Value: "t2.micro"

v. In

vi. Required

b. image

i. Name: region

ii. Type: Enum

iii. Click in the 'Expand' icon:


iv. Default Value: "ami-00009114fa9ca2a86"

v. In

vi. Required

c. AWSCredentials

i. Name: AWSCredentials

ii. Type: Authentication -> AWS

iii. Default Value: "admin/AWS"

iv. In

v. Required

d. region

i. Name: region

ii. Type: String

iii. Default Value: "us-east-1"

iv. In

v. Required

e. team

i. Name: team

ii. Type: Enum

iii. Click in the 'Expand' icon:


iv. Default Value: "Engineering"

v. In

vi. Required

IBM SevOne Automated Network Observability

  1. Change to Flow View

  2. On the left hand side panel, Click on AWS -> EC2

  3. Select "DescribeVpcs" and drop it after the building block START

    a. Change name to SevOne_Check_VPCs

    b. Click on the building block to open the right side panel and complete the following fields

    i. authKey: $AWSCredentials

    ii. region: $region
  4. Add a new building block, Common -> ForEach

    a. Change name to ForEach_Subnet

    b. Click on the building block to open the right side panel and complete the following fields

    i. list: $subnets
  5. Inside the LOOP, add a new building block, Common -> ForEach

    a. Change name to ForEach_Tag

    b. Click on the building block to open the right side panel and complete the following fields

    i. list: $ForEach_Subnet.item.Tags
  6. Inside the LOOP, add a new building block, Common -> If

    a. Change name to If_Team_Tag

    b. Click on the building block to open the right side panel and complete the following fields

    i. condition: $ForEach_Tag.item.Key == "Team"
  7. Inside the TRUE branch, add a new building block, Common -> If

    a. Change name to If_Same_Team

    b. Click on the building block to open the right side panel and complete the following fields

    i. condition: $ForEach_Tag.item.Value == $team
  8. Inside the TRUE branch, add a new building block, AWS -> EC2 -> RunInstances

    a. Change name to AWS_Create_Instance

    b. Click on the building block to open the right side panel and complete the following fields

    i. authKey: $AWSCredentials

    ii. region: $region

    iii. body:

    1. ImageId: $image

    2. InstanceType: $size

    3. MaxCount: 1

    4. MinCount: 1

    5. SubnetId: $ForEach_Subnet.item.SubnetId
  9. Add a new building block, Common -> Assign

    a. Change name to Assign_Result

    b. Click on the building block to open the right side panel and complete the following fields

    i. variable: $result

    ii. region: $AWS_Create_Instance.result
  10. If there is any other Assign building block, disable/delete it

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  1. Run the workflow

  2. Go to the AWS portal, search for EC2 and go to the EC2 Dashboard

  3. In Instances (running) there should be 1

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  1. Click in Instances (running)

  2. Click on the Instance Id of the only instance running

  3. Check the Instance type is t2.micro and AMI ID is ami-00009114fa9ca2a86

IBM SevOne Automated Network Observability

  1. Click on the Subnet ID

  2. Click again on the Subnet ID and click on Tags

  3. Verify that this instance is running on the Engineering subnet

IBM SevOne Automated Network Observability

Terminate the instance as soon as you have finished reviewing the lab so you don't get charged